Sunday, August 24, 2014

In Iowa City

The boys at the entrance to their new school.  We made lots of trips to the playground there (which Will described as a "monkeybar paradise") before school started.
First day of kindergarten
 First day of second grade

 Here we are on the swings at the boys' school.  There are 12 swings in all on the playground.  That is 12 more than they had on the playground at their last school.
 This is a picture of us all at the park. 

 Here we are at the Old Capitol.. the landmark building on University of Iowa campus.  Kevin's building is just two over from here.
 Miss Bev and her sister, Barb, drove our other minivan down for us.  They then stayed and helped (and helped and helped) us unpack.  Barb was with us 3 days, Bev was with us a week.  We were very sad to say goodbye to her when she left.  But she'll be back.

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