Friday, December 17, 2010

The Polar Express train ride

The Green Mountain company that runs out of White River Junction Vermont had a "Polar Express" train ride for 2 days only, last weekend. We were lucky to get tickets for such a popular event! We were welcomed by elves as we entered the train, had cookies and hot chocolate given to us by chocolatiers, heard the story of "The Polar Express," stopped at the North Pole to pick up Santa Claus, sang Christmas carols and had a visit by Santa to our train car. The train took us from Vermont into New Hampshire and back, along the Connecticut River. We went with another family from our church who have boys the same age as Fin and Will. It was a lot of fun for the boys and a great memory for us as a family.

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1 comment:

Christi Scholl said...

That looks like so much fun! I'm sure the boys loved it.