Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Sheridan family comes to Hanover!!

Jen, Mike, Carter and Spencer came to see us last weekend. The weather was a little wet and cold, but that didn't stop Mike from running long distances everyday. He definitely got a good workout on the hills around our home!! We went to Norwich Farmer's market, the Montshire museum and a hike on the A.T. Mike and Carter even took in a Dartmouth hockey game on Friday night. Fin and Will enjoyed having some older boys around.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Trick or Treating"

The town of Lebanon had a big Halloween celebration on their main street. They had all kinds of activites planned for the kids.
After going to Lebanon we joined up with friends to go and see a legendary house in Hanover that goes all out decorating their house for Halloween. We have been told that they spent 70,000.00 on the event. It was worth the visit....incredible! We then fit in "trick or treating" at a few homes before heading home. I do have to say that it was definitely the coldest Halloween that we have had in the last 4 years!! It snowed briefly while we were out.

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Halloween fun at Fin's preschool

Will and I got to go to Fin's Halloween party and do a cookie decorating station. The kids loved putting icing and sprinkles on the Halloween cookies. Fin had his costume off for part of the party, but was a very cute dalmation dog. It's funny because he wore the costume for a week leading up to Halloween and then didn't want to wear it for the party.....go figure!

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

more Bier visit pictures...

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Visit with the Biers

We had a great visit with Hannah, Vivienne, Carolyn and Tony last week. The highlights were a trip to the end of our driveway with the garbage, swimming at the splash pad/ pool at the Aquatics Center, the Montshire museum and a hike on the A.T. And of course the most exciting thing we did was celebrate Hannah's 7th birthday while they were here! Thanks for many memorable moments.

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